A collection of tools, methods, games and inspiring ideas created by participants of the Erasmus+ project Sustainable ImPACT 2

We are happy to introduce to you the Green Guide’, a collection of non-formal learning tools, methods, games, and inspiring ideas that were created by the participants of the Erasmus+ project Sustainable ImPACT 2 during the session called ‘Green Guide’ aimed at the creation of new tools to address environmental sustainability in youth work.

The guide is currently available for free in both English and Czech and contains a set of exercises that can be used to either introduce or address different topics of environmental sustainability in different settings of formal and non-formal education.

The Green Guide was created to serve as a valuable support tool for youth workers, teachers, trainers, facilitators, educators, and other professionals seeking interactive and engaging methods and activities to raise awareness and spark interest in sustainability topics.

Download your Green Guide⬇️

Each tool has a short description, including its aim, skills it can help to practice and develop, instructions on how to use the tool, and reflection questions that can be used after completing the exercise. Each tool (except for the ones that were originally developed in digital format, e.g., in the ActionBound app) contains printable worksheets and an additional info sheet with basic complementary information on the topic to start with (if needed).

The exercises do not have to be printed per se (if you are concerned about creating paper waste) but can also simply serve as an inspiration for developing your own activities focused on addressing environmental sustainability.

Sustainable ImPACT 2’ was a 9-day Erasmus+ training course that took place in Jizbice pod Blaníkem, Czech Republic, from 25th August to 2nd September, 2024. The training course gathered 35 dedicated youth workers from Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, and the Czech Republic. The goal of the training course was to equip youth workers with the skills and tools to promote sustainability in their communities through knowledge exchange, practical training, and innovative non-formal education methods.

During the 9 days of the training course, the participants engaged in different theoretical and practical workshops, i.e. reviewed European and global environmental policies and regulations, learned more about environmental challenges in participating countries, shared their different field expertise and experiences in sustainability, explored in-depth topics of waste, sustainability of food, carbon footprint, sustainable fashion, learned and practiced their skills in marketing and creating online campaigns, tried out upcycling, created new tools to address sustainability in youth work, prepared and performed workshops, met inspiring local sustainability actors – businesses ‘Vobrousek’ and ‘V Papíru’, and the representative of ‘Fashion Revolutionmovement, visitedParaZoo in Vlašim and Water House in Hulice, and much more.

The project Sustainable ImPACT 2 is funded by the European Union.

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