Call for Training Course
Be Active-Be European

8 – 14 April 2024

Rezekne, Latvia

About the project

The project „Be active – Be European“ is designed to empower youth workers in the mission of countering Euroscepticism and inspiring active involvement among young Europeans in the upcoming 2024 European Elections.

We aim to discuss between partners the vital role of youth in EU civic engagement and to raise awareness about the challenges posed by Euroscepticism. Additionally, we would like to explore how the European Parliament works, how do EU policies emerge, how significant are EU Elections, and what are the notable achievements of the EU.

Moreover, during this seminar we seek to equip youth workers with the knowledge and tools to effectively prepare young citizens and first-time voters for the 2024 European Elections. Throughout our collaborative efforts, participants will engage in informative sessions, share experiences, and explore the positive impacts of the EU on its citizens.

The venue

Rezekne is a city in the Rēzekne River valley in Latgale region of eastern Latvia. It is called The Heart of Latgale (Latvian Latgales sirds, Latgalian Latgolys sirds). Rezekne is located 242 km from the state capital Riga. It has a population of 26 481 making it the 7th largest city in Latvia.
In Rezekne there is the Embassy of Latgale GORS – the first acoustic concert hall in Latvia, built from the ground-up, was opened in 2013. Designed by Latvian architects. The acoustics of the highest level, which is appreciated by the famous Latvian and international artists.
Here meet the cultural heritage of Latgale and ancient values, traditions and new performance, language, and events, art, and culture, song and dance.

Average temperature in Latvia: In April 10°C (max.) and -2°C (min.).

Financial conditions

All accommodation and meals during the traning course and you round trip up to 275€ (including the rounf trip Riga-Rezekne-Riga (around 20 euros).  will be covered from the Erasmus+ programme.🙂

About the hosting organization

European Association “World-Our Home” is an NGO active at European level working in youth, social, educational and cultural fields since 1999. The main aim of Association is promotion of European active citizenship, solidarity, multiculturalism, human rights and other values as well as non-formal education on local, regional and European level. The organization is busy with European youth exchange projects, seminars, trainings, international cultural projects. The organization actively participates in Erasmus +, Europe for Citizens, EEA Grants programmes. WOH is a hosting, sending and coordinating in European Solidarity Corps programme. The organization gives people the opportunity to learn foreign languages and get acquainted with different cultures in order to get European awareness, to gain more possibilities for social integration into the European community and make successful choice in their career. EA “World-Our Home” joins youth organisations around Europe and it has a strong cooperation with public and education institutions and other European networks.


Eligible participants

You should apply if you...

→  are 18+ years old 
→ are a Czech citizen or resident
→ want to improve your knowledge about the European mechanisms, legislation and functioning and importance of the EU
→ want to raise awareness and encourage active youth participation in the upcoming European elections in your community

Learn more

See the detailed infopack below.

Do you want to participate?

Fill in the application form below and we will get back with you!🙂

The application deadline is March 15.

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Annual Conference and Meeting of Partners in Niš, Serbia
Příběhy účastníků – mezinárodního semináře EuroECO ve Španělsku

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